I am very happy to announce that two pieces I wrote and two pieces my dear friend and collaborator Takeo Rivera wrote will be featured in "Pan-American Rejects," an afternoon of readings of rejected plays that will take place on Wednesday May 6 at 4PM in Zellerbach Room 7 on the Berkeley campus. What better way to celebrate the ups-and-downs of a life in the theater than by throwing a party for all our passed-over work? For more, see the Contemporary Drama Working Group website.

Essay in Johannesburg Salon 8

I was honored to have my essay "'Our' 'Common' 'Humanity,'" which explores the non- and post-human futures of anti-racism and non-racialism, included in Achille Mbembe's Johannesburg Salon Vol. 8, guest edited by SA Smythe. Special thanks to Achille and to Leigh-Ann Naidoo, along with a lovely crowd of others, for organizing the Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism conference last summer from which the Salon emerged. Check it out here.

CDWG Spring 2015 Season

The Contemporary Drama Working Group has embarked on its Spring 2015 season. I will direct for two of the evenings: the 2/11 Christopher Chen reading and the 4/23 Planet Earth New Play Festival at U.C. Berkeley readings. Please visit the CDWG website for more information and please do come if you can!

CDWG YouTube Channel

The Contemporary Drama Working Group has launched its own YouTube channel. Subscribe for brave and insightful Q&As with our visiting playwrights, who we think are the future of the American theatre. Check it out here.

CAP 21 Writing Residency

I am thrilled to announce that the creative team behind At Buffalo - Dr. Amma Ghartey-Tagoe Kootin, Khalil Sullivan and myself - has been selected for a week-long writing residency at CAP 21 in New York. We'll be there the first full week of January 2015, hammering out another draft of this exciting musical. Thanks so much to CAP 21 for their support.


I just finished a rehearsal with the amazing actors we've cast in our CDWG reading of Martha Herrera-Lasso's Frente al Mar and I can safely say that it's going to be worth your time. Come hear Martha's beautiful words read by our talented undergraduates: Wednesday, 12/3 at 4PM in Durham Studio Theatre. For more, see here.

CDWG Spring 2015

We're announcing the second half of our 2014-2015 season of new play readings with the Contemporary Drama Working Group! We're all set to feature Christopher Chen, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Lauren Yee, Natalia Duong and Christian Nagler. Very exciting. Visit the CDWG website for more information about the series.

AWAKENING - A New Piece by Radix at The Foundry

The extraordinary performance company Radix - directed by Marica Petrey, Eli Wirtschafter and Hannah Michahelles, amazing and talented friends all - has a new show on at The Foundry in Berkeley. It's called Awakening and it's inspired by Russian Futurism and Frankenstein and a great deal else besides. Well worth your time. Buy tickets here before they sell out.